Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Be your own private slayer.

   Have you ever wondered why that rich lady who drives a range rover on your estate never slays? Or why that very cute friend of yours who's got wealthy parents never wears anything fancy?
  As odd as it may seem, style isnt measured by the number of cloths in your closet nor does the different names of designer tags they carry define your fashion sense.
   It is possible to purchase expensive wears from popular boutiques but lack sense of pattern arrangement and knowledge of colour agreement. I am not joan Rivers
but i believe one should dress according to occasion and mood.
 Everyone likes to slay. Agree or not, not everyone knows how to do it. Clothes should be put together in harmony and patterns should express happiness. Every fabric with a certain aura.
 You  must have passion for fashion but most importantly an imaginative reasoning. Being stylish is not just about the clothes you wear but also the beauty in the way you wear it. You can't be thin and love to wear slimfit dresses neither can you be fat and love to wear clothes that make you even fatter.
 " The way you dress is the way you will be addressed" i do agree with this saying to some extent. Clothes aren't only to cover one's nakedness but to reveal hidden emotions and  one's fashion initiative. If you want to be noticed in your society as a fashionista you should learn to look good even when you can't afford to shop in Mr Price ,Pep or Walmart. What people fail to understand is money can't buy style and there are nice things to enhance your slay even in road side stores. Now, am not encouraging you to start shopping only in 'okirika' and 'bend down select' stores because most of those aint hygienic to the skin but a few stops at road side boutiques doesn't make you less of a person than those who order on jumia. Its how you wear it that matters.
    People often call others 'borrow pose' when they lend a sibling's cloth or a friend's shoe to an outing but forget that so is every celebrity who gets styled by a boutique only to advertise the wear and return it after the event. The only difference between us is that they get paid for advertising the line at the red carpet while the only payment i get is compliments from people who think my outfit is awesome.
      Like the coat of many colours ,this vintage shirt belonged to my mum who got it because loved he print but soon outgrew it. Bless her for adding excessive weight. She stopped wearing it ,too inlove with it to let go and trash it until my sister, @_brownshuga found it and adjusted it with her sewing skills into a master piece. She wore it for a while and like my mum, everyone who saw it loved the print but when i wore it, i slayed it better because my sistet never thought about wearing it without buttoning up.
 You can go ahead and make fun of the vintage shirt, you can call it a generational pass down, you can say it has seen the best of it's days and you can even hate on it for no reason but trust me, i did enjoy being called "Slay Queen" and as one, i would wear it proudly again.