@mccluretwins |
God gave to man several talents and with the Lord Jesus Christ's parable of the rich man,you can tell that talents are not given in the same amount.Therefore; while some people have only one or two,others are known to be bags of talent. From dancing to singing to acting to drawing and writing or even the ability to study,dig out cure to several diseases,argue and win even though they are wrong ,pass down knowledge to the younger generation and more. Of all, one gift which surpasses all is the gift of beauty.
Beauty is one of the most appreciated attribute in society of all other qualities an individual can possses. Not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder like Margaret Wolfe Hungerford said in 1878, it is also in the mind of the beheld. Being a very visible trait in a person,pretty people don't only receive compliments everywhere they go,they see it for themselves almost everywhere too. Thank God for the mirror on the bathroom wall, the long one on the dressing table,the wide one at the beauty salon,the glass counter at the shopping mall,the two way mirror at the bank,the sliding door at the hotel ,the tinted car windows at the parking lot ,the hand mirror in their make up purse even the pupils of people
with large eyeballs! The likes on a person's social media page is enough to convince them they are very goodlooking.
No matter how the first half of society argues that beauty is not limited to the phyiscal appearance of a person but by the person's attitude, brain power and ability,beauty cannot be replaced with red eyes, decayed tooth and a horrifying scar on a person's forehead. No wonder beauty peagant select only those with a specific height,body size and facial appearance. Beauty may be within but people don't walk around with x-rays and though inner beauty is also profitable; a person who possesses physical beauty has more advantage and may even possess inner beauty too.
However,the second half of society that appreciates physical beauty not just as a quality but as a talent have come to put it to great use. It is common knowledge that beautiful people attract more attention than others and find no difficulty in succeeding in show business. A pretty person would make a perfect model, television presenter, actress or actor, video vixen and any other public figure. In truth, you'll be more relaxed if your dentist had a pleasant face and if your Maths teacher had a dimple, you'ld have paid more attention in class than you did. Who knows you could have had an A in your SSCE result.
"Beauty is power and smile is it's sword'' this quotes explains why with the charm of a white toothed smile and red painted lips, a beautiful lady can achieve her goals. Ever wondered why sales representatives and marketters are beautiful or handsome? or why the lady in the skin care product advertisement is always too adorable? and why the guy in the toothpaste advertisement has a well chiseled face even though all we need to know is that the tooth paste product made his teeth white? are they trying to tell us that people who aren't as goodlooking don't study business administration, can't use the skin care product or don't possess strong white set of teeth respectively? Certainly not, they are only aware that a person with good looks would be an attractive choice and a successful attention reciever.
Beauty doesn't respect age instead, age respects beauty. No matter how young a person might be ; the gift of beauty makes them stand out every where they go. Some beauty-enlightened parents have sponsored their pretty kids into child modelling and are reaping the fruit of their labour even when their children aren't old enough to spell their own names. Most teen celebrities are appreciated even when they aren't into anything productive and are still dependent on their parents because of their beauty and the way they present it with the click of a mobile camera and the skillfull use of an edit App. Imagine a world where beyonce didn't have her pretty queen-bee face and Rihanna's miss independent no-smile look was replaced with something completely unappealing, the possibility of their success in the music industry would be below 1. Show me a celebrity who isn't beautiful or handsome. Okay, you might argue that some of them weren't pretty when they started but in the end, they improve on their looks because they know the role beauty plays in bringing forth their other gifts.
Having noticed the power in the gift of beauty, beautiful people no longer feel the need to waste their talent but now 'use what they have to get what they want' either positively or negatively. Many now dive in to the entertainment industry and hardly can you find any musician or actress who isn't pretty enough to make people want to see more of them. Every celebrity is now either an epitome of beauty, a sexy six-abs god or big butty goddess while others hide under the canopy of a good make up artist to bury with a foundation,every remnants of ugly or enhance the little God gave to them with the contour set.
Though ,many successful individuals and celebrities still think the source of their daily bread is their level of education, their ability to pull mass attention as a result of their fortunate destiny and their mother's prayers,these kids can proudly say it anywhere that beauty is the briefcase.
Awwwnnn, nice